🏒 Large Stations, large detentions and large hospitals. πŸ₯

Dear MissionChief community,

Would you sometimes like to have larger stations to be able to park more vehicles in there than you can with current maximum size? Would you like to be able to have more beds in your hospitals or more prison cells? You are now able to enlarge your stations, prisons and hospitals!

The large station expansions will give you 10 extra parking spaces. They are available for fire, police and ambulance stations. Please note that you can build one large station per 10 stations of the same type. πŸš’πŸš‘πŸš“

With the large hospital expansion you will get 10 more beds, with the prison expansion 10 more prison cells. You need 5 hospitals or respectively 5 police stations for these expansions. They are also available for alliance prisons or hospitals. πŸ€•πŸ˜‘

We are also working on a new patient release system so that large hospitals won’t mean that your patients will have to stay in hospital for very long times.

Let us know in the comments what else you would like us to add to the game! ✍🏽

To celebrate this update you will get 24 hours of double credits. ‼️

Your MissionChief team