📆 New Year’s event 📆

Happy New Year, MissionChief community! 

We wish you a fantastic New Year! 🎊

We want to say goodbye to the old year and welcome 2024 with the following events:

🎇 Festive missions associated with New Year celebrations

🏆 An award for completing the event missions

💪 New Tasks to start out 2024 the right way! 

🤕 Double credits on patients from Friday 5 am EST to Saturday 5 am EST

🏥 From Saturday 5 am EST to Sunday 5 am EST you get 50% off when you re-locate buildings.

🚒 From Sunday 5 am EST to Monday 5 am EST you will receive a 50% discount on creating alliance missions

🏎 From Monday 5 am EST to Tuesday 5 am EST you will only have to half the amount of coins to finish a mission directly

Feel free to share your resolutions for 2024 in the comments!

See you soon!

Your MissionChief team