πŸ›»πŸš— New in MissionChief: Tow Trucks πŸš’πŸš“

Dear MissionChief community,

For a long time many of you have been asking for tow trucks in MissionChief. Now they are available!

When an accident happens the first and foremost priority is to make sure anyone who is injured gets help. However, often cars involved in accidents are damaged and can’t be removed from the site of the accident by driving them away. In that case tow trucks are needed to bring them to the next repair shop or garage. In that case a two truck are needed. πŸ›»πŸš—

You can now have tow trucks both in your firefighter and in your police stations or you can build an independent tow truck station. Find below what’s new in the game:

New Building 🏒

  • Tow Truck Depot

New Extensions 🏚

  • Fire Tow Trucks
  • Police Tow Trucks

New Vehicles πŸ›»

  • Wrecker
  • Flatbed Carrier
  • Wrecker (fire department)
  • Wrecker (police department)

For more information about the tow trucks check this FAQ.

To celebrate the arrival of tow trucks in MissionCheif you will get 24 hours of double credits! ‼️

We hope you like the new tow trucks. What else would you like us to add to the game? Let us know in the comments! ✍🏽

Your MissionChief team