🌞Summer Event ⛱️

Dear MissionChief community,

Today marks the beginning of summer, a time many people enjoy. However, the hot and dry weather typical of this season poses specific challenges to firefighters, ambulances, police, and other help organizations. ☀️

To reflect this, we have now started the summer event missions again 🚨. These missions are: 

  • Sunstroke
  • Heat stroke
  • Heat cramp
  • Dehydrated person
  • Barbecue Fire
  • Safeguarding a swimming competition
  • Contaminated ice cream cart
  • Illegal bonfire in park
  • Fire at Summer Camp

Look forward to additional summer missions that we will present to you in the coming weeks!

By completing these missions, you can earn an award, and we have added special tasks connected to the summer missions.🏆

We hope you all have a great summer! 🏝️

Your MissionChief team