New Mission Monday: Amusement Park Ride Malfunction

Dear MissionChief community,

The peaceful atmosphere of the amusement park is suddenly shattered when a thrilling roller coaster ride malfunctions, leaving several cars stranded high above the ground. Alarms blare and panicked screams fill the air as the ride comes to an abrupt halt, suspending riders in mid-air. Firefighters swiftly respond to the emergency call, racing to the scene with their equipment. They carefully assess the situation, preparing for a complex and delicate rescue operation to safely bring down the frightened passengers. The team works diligently, communicating and coordinating their efforts to ensure everyone’s safety amidst the tense and precarious circumstances in our new summer event mission 

Amusement Park Ride Malfunction

For this mission to be generated you will need to meet the following requirements:

– 10 fire stations 🚒

– 5 ambulance stations 🚑

– 5 police stations 🚓

We hope you like the new mission! Let us know in the comments! You can also make suggestions for new missions you would like us to add.

Your MissionChief team