‼️Labor Day Double Credits – New alliance events: Spring Weather and Summer Weather ‼️

Dear MissionChief community,

It’s Labor Day! Celebrate with 24 hours of double credits! ‼️

The weather isn’t always predictable—sometimes autumn still feels like summer, and sometimes winter already feels like spring, and vice versa. We have seasonal missions in the game, but they only appear during the actual season they correspond to. However, you can now play fall and winter missions all year round with your alliance. 🍂❄️

Now that the summer event has finished, we’ve also added the missions from the summer event to a new alliance event, along with those from spring. With these seasonal alliance missions, you and your alliance can now experience all the seasons. 🌸⛱️

Are you and your alliance already playing the fall and winter events? Do you like the new spring and summer events? Let us know in the comments! ✍🏽

Your MissionChief team