New Mission Monday: Employee Trapped in Cardboard Baler, Employee Trapped in Dairy Freezer

Dear MissionChief community,

Today we are presenting two incidents that can happen at the workplace:

An employee climbs into the industrial cardboard baler to clear a jam, unaware of the horror about to unfold. Without warning, the machine powers on, its hydraulic arms beginning to crush the walls inward. Panic overtakes them as they struggle to escape, screaming and pounding on the cold metal, but the relentless compression traps them. Within moments, co-workers hear the cries and rush to shut off the machine, dialing 911 in terror. Firefighters arrive in a race against time, using specialized tools to pry open the baler’s crushing jaws. Paramedics stand by, ready to intervene as every second feels like a lifetime. The scene is tense, the air thick with urgency as rescuers fight to free the trapped employee before the worst happens in the mission 

Employee Trapped in Cardboard Baler

In the other new mission 

Employee Trapped in Dairy Freezer 

the employee steps into the freezing, ice-lined dairy freezer, and the door slams shut behind them with a horrifying finality. The latch jams, trapping them in a space that grows colder by the second. Their breath becomes ragged, visible in the freezing air as they pound desperately on the door, calling for help, but the sound is swallowed by the thick insulation. Soon, co-workers realize what’s happened and frantically call 911. Firefighters rush to the scene, working feverishly to break the frozen latch while paramedics prepare for the inevitable exposure injuries. The minutes drag on as frostbite sets in, the employee’s body shivering uncontrollably. With one final effort, the rescuers force the door open, pulling the half-frozen worker to safety and into the waiting arms of the emergency medical team, the ambulance ready to speed away into the night.

Both missions have the following requirements:

– 1 fire station 🚒

– 2 ambulance stations 🚑

Have a great week! Make sure you are safe at work and everywhere else

Your MissionChief team