Dear MissionChief community,
Winter is over, or at least our winter event is, and with it there are no more missions with icy road conditions or other incidents that mainly occur in winter. But is winter really over? Is it where you are? Could it not still come back? What if you and your alliance mates would just like to cool down a bit during the summer months by rescuing people from the cold? 🚨
That’s why we have a new alliance event called Winter Weather. Like with the Fall Weather event you can now choose to get wintery mission all year round together with your alliance mates!
The following missions are included in this event:
– Traffic accident – ice
– Campfire sets woodshed on fire
– Brawl on frozen lake
– Iceskater slipped
– Kids throwing snowballs on people and houses
– Person burned by hot chocolate
– Sledding accident
– Person Slipped on a patch of ice
– Truck overturned due to ice
– Vehicle collision due to ice
Enjoy the new alliance event if you love and already miss winter! ⛄️
Your MissionChief team